10 most common words to know in Tamil for Northiess

Tamil holds the distinction of a ‘classical’ language. However, that need not deter one from learning the basics of the language. It is common to hear Tamil being spoken in a variety of accents, thanks to the influx of tourists and those from others states of India choosing to live and work in the state.
Although English is widely spoken among the educated, it is always interesting to learn the basics of the local language. Tamil has a vast vocabulary and will take years to master. But it is easier to learn the most common words used every day. Just as any other language, the more you listen, the more you learn by way of pronunciation. So, let us get started…
Here is a list of the most common words and phrases used during the course of everyday life:
1. Vanakkam – A formal way of greeting people when you meet them
2. Nandri – Thank you (equivalent to ‘shukriya’ in hindi)
3. Aamaa – Yes (equivalent to ‘haan’ in hindi)
4. Illa – No (equivalent to ‘nahii’ in hindi)
5. Epdi Irukeenga? – How are you? (equivalent to ‘kaise hain aap?’)
6. Enge? – Where? (equivalent to ‘kahaan’ in hindi)
7. Enna? – What? (To be used when you do not understand something) (equivalent to ‘kyaa’ in hindi)
8. Evvalavu – How much? (Useful while purchasing items and where you must use your bargaining skills) (equivalent to ‘kitna’ in hindi)
9. Akka/Anna – Sister/brother (Useful to address a woman or man to seek help or make enquiries (equivalent to behen/bhaiyya in hindi)
10. Vendaam – I don’t want (A form of refusal) ( equivalent to ‘mujhe nahi chayihe’ in hindi)
Besides the above words, it is important to learn numbers from 1-20 and major multiples such as 100, 1000 and so on. One must also learn the names of fruits and vegetables as this will be easy to shop in the local market.
While speaking Tamil to the locals, do not bother about making mistakes. Friends and work colleagues may tease you ceaselessly over your pronunciation. But keep speaking Tamil to whoever is willing to help you and soon you will speak the language like any other local.